quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2008

day 3 - first of the firsts

Day 3

Another ordinary awakening, late in the morning as it is becoming usual, warm sun on my face when I run the curtains, the sound of children playing on the soccer field, my multiracial neighbours, a poetic morning... and then it pop up's to me... like does obnoxious banners from on line casinos (it could be porn but I'm being careful about my language, never know who is reading this), it's my last day home!

Last brunch, last bath (at home), thank Me (i don't use "thank god") I went late in the night rechecking my stuff, so I can enjoy this day at its fullest, not so different from the others, but at the same time so uncommon.

My mind was at peace, but my body, the physical part was a bit in an adrenaline rush. Either it was quiet as a sleeping mouse, as suddenly it was a racing stallion on steroids.

Last goodbye to my things at home, one last look at the office that was literally my second home during the last 5 years, I don't think I'll miss does nights sleeping on the red chairs knowing that the cleaning lady will wake me early to continue the job, one last stop to skills to say goodbye to Xinez, thank you for the written words my soul brother we will be one until the end of times.

Another thank you to all that supported me. As I'm writing this in the bus to Lisbon, and Brandi Carlile is screaming for the third time on the bus radio, I'm remembering you all, I'm taking a bit of you with me. And not as in the exterminator phrase:
- i'll be back :D

Its funny as my thoughts are jumping from the memories of the people and places i'm leaving behind, and the expectations and creative situations that I start to imagine that will happen in the future, i just can't seem to think that the idea of going alone is a bad one, but i sure wouldn't mind that some of you had come along for the ride :D

Peter is waiting me in Lisbon, he was in Braga for my goodbye party, from which i still don't have a single picture... it will be nice to have a good old friend as my first "host" in a week of "last things".

Hoping that this is the first of many good first thing's.

4 comentários:

SKILLS disse...

dá-lhe forte
trás fotos envia fotos


Anónimo disse...

Sim tens que trazer muitas fotos para eu ver... espero que faças uma boa viagem... que tudo corra como o planeas.t e que acima de tudo te divirtas muito e que tenhas saudades de todos nos.. e estamos ca a tua espera... beijo grande

Anónimo disse...

divert-te, desfruta, ama, vive... Desejo-te tudo de bom para esta viagem... estamos a tua espera...

BEIJO:D e eu tenho visto sp o blog:P

Ana Marques

SKILLS disse...

one last stop to skills to say goodbye to Xinez, thank you for the written words my soul brother we will be one until the end of times.

faço tuas as minhas palavras